Modern Pentathlon
Modern Pentathlon
The modern pentathlon is a sports contest that includes five events. The name pentathlon is derived from the Greek root of pente, meaning five.
These events are usually a 3km cross country run, epee fencing, 200 m freestyle swimming, a show jumping course on horseback, and a pistol shooting event.
Modern Pentathlon was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1994.
List of disciplines
- Beach Modern Pentathlon
- Modern Pentathlon
List of events
Modern Pentathlon has its origins in a 19th-century legend. It is said that a young French cavalry officer was sent on horseback to deliver a message. To complete his mission he had to ride, fence, shoot, swim and run – the same five challenges that face competitors in Modern Pentathlon today.
List of events
Related links
Sports Committee
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The Sports and Environment Committee consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones o...
Sports for All Committee
The Sports for All Committee shall consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones of ...
Sports Federations
Asian Federation
Asian Modern Pentathlon Confederation
International Federation
Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne