Sports and Environment Committee

The Sports and Environment Committee consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones of the OCA will be selected by the EB from the Candidates who have been nominated by their respective NOCs.

The Chairman and Members will hold office for a term of four years. The Chairman will be a Member of the EB.

This Committee will be responsible for:

a. to advise the OCA EB on what policy the OCA should adopt in terms of environmental protection;

b. propagate the awareness of environment in the field of sports;

c. monitor the various events/games held under the patronage of the OCA with an environmental prospective;

d. co-operate with existing sports organizations to promote and develop environmental activities;

e. the meetings of the Sports and Environment Committee will be held as decided by the Chairman with the prior approval of the President.


Seoul, Korea, April 4, 2024: The OCA Sports and Environment Committee held an online meeting on T...
Kuwait City, Kuwait, August 25, 2022: The OCA Sports and Environment Committee held a virtual mee...