Kathmandu 1999
Karate or karate-do is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands from indigenous fighting methods and Chinese kenp.
It is primarily a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands and ridge-hands. Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles.
Karate or Karate-do was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1994.
List of disciplines
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Sports Committee
The Sports Committee consist of one Chairman and a minimum of five members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones of t...
Sports and Environment Committee
The Sports and Environment Committee consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones o...
Sports for All Committee
The Sports for All Committee shall consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones of ...
Sports Federations
Asian Federation
Asian Karatedo Federation
International Federation
World Karate Federation