Jordan Olympic Committee welcomes government move to reopen sports sector


Amman, Jordan, June 11, 2020: The Jordan Olympic Committee has welcomed the government’s decision to reopen sports clubs and sporting events behind closed doors after a suspension of more than two months as part of measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.

A task force established and led by the Jordan Olympic Committee, working with National Federations, sports clubs and sports media, was crucial in engaging and obtaining approval from the government for the sports sector to reopen last Saturday, June 6.

JOC Secretary General Nasser Majali said: “On behalf of the JOC I would like to thank all National Federations, athletes, coaches, officials, sports clubs, sponsors and media for adhering to the government’s directives to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The JOC is proud of your commitment and dedication throughout this very difficult period.

“As a result of our unified efforts and engagement with the government, the sports sector can now get back to business and help play a key role in the well-being and development of Jordanians throughout the Kingdom. The recovery phase will take time but the economic, social and health benefits from the return of sport should not be underestimated,” Majali added.

The task force provided an open communications channel or the JOC to discuss, debate and agree on a consistent set of messages for the government on behalf of every stakeholder group in the sport sector in Jordan.

To coincide with the resumption of sport, the JOC announced a package of precautionary measures and guidelines, approved by the Jordanian Ministry of Health, for the sports sector to implement a smooth return to the new normal.

Source: Around the Rings