Iranian athlete lifting spirits in fight against COVID-19

Iranian athlete lifting spirits in fight against COVID-19

Hong Kong, China, April 14, 2020: The selfless and inspiring work of female Iranian weightlifter Poopak Bastami is making news around the world.

The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macau posted the following news on their Facebook account on Monday under the headline: “Iranian Woman Weightlifter-cum-Nurse Helping COVID-19 Patients”.

The article reads: “An #Iranian woman #weightlifter, who has attended international contests for the first time, has now rolled up her sleeves to help fight the #coronavirus.

“Poopak Bastami says she worked as a #nurse as well. “I have been a nurse for seven years now,” she says.

“Since February 22, 2020 when the situation began to become critical I have been here to help. I myself liked to study Physical Education but, due to my family’s insistence, especially my mother, I took up Experimental Sciences at school,” she says.

“I both studied and began training as a weightlifter. The condition at hospital is not very good, but we hope it will get better,” she says, adding people are contributing heavily to the campaign against the coronavirus.

She says both nursing and weightlifting are hard and have their fun points as well. She says saving a person’s life is as sweet as lifting a weight.
