WADA celebrates ‘Play Safe on Play True Day 2020’

The Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (SEARADO) celebrates WADA’s Play Safe on Play True Day. © Facebook
The Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (SEARADO) celebrates WADA’s Play Safe on Play True Day. © Facebook

Montreal, Canada, April 9, 2020: The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today celebrates Play Safe on Play True Day 2020 with athletes, National and Regional Anti-Doping Organizations, Sports Federations, Major Event Organizers and other anti-doping stakeholders from the global Clean Sport community.

Since 2014, in April, WADA and the anti-doping community worldwide have celebrated ‘Play True Day’ -- a day that is dedicated to Clean Sport and is intended to raise awareness among athletes, the sporting public and others about the importance of protecting Clean Sport. 

This year, given the impact that COVID-19 is having, WADA seized the opportunity to engage the global anti-doping community  in solidarity around the theme Play Safe on Play True Day 2020, asking them to participate in a digital and social media campaign by sharing what they are doing and why to curb the spread of the virus.

WADA President Witold Bańka said: “This year’s campaign is once again reaching all corners of the globe, showing how we as the Clean Sport community are doing our part to fight COVID-19 and protect public health. We salute this global team effort on Play True Day and remain well prepared for the day when anti-doping returns to full force.”

WADA encourages its stakeholders to share personalized photo and video messages using specially-created branded frames and a Play Safe Pledge to show what particular cause, person or group of people they are playing safe for. 

The Agency also encourages the use of the hashtags #PlayTrue #PlaySafe and #PlayTrueDay in order to maximize the impact of the event on social media. 

Last year’s digital and social media campaign impacted 6 million people around the world.