Kazakhstan holds Olympic Solidarity course for rhythmic gymnastics officials

© Kazakhstan NOC
© Kazakhstan NOC

Almaty, Kazakhstan, October 13, 2024: The Kazakhstan Gymnastics Federation, with the support of the National Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan and the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), held a three-day technical seminar for rhythmic gymnastics coaches and judges.


The seminar, which was under the auspices of the IOC Olympic Solidarity, took place in Almaty last week.


The main objective of the course was to prepare Kazakhstan athletes for the upcoming Olympic cycle with the new regulations set to take effect across all disciplines from January 2025.


“I would like to extend my gratitude to the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their support and assistance in organising this seminar under Olympic Solidarity. The course was highly informative in preparation for the new Olympic cycle,” said Aliya Yussupova, President of the Kazakhstan Gymnastics Federation.


The seminar was attended by 105 participants from 16 regions of Kazakhstan, with Lyubov Cherkashina, FIG Technical Committee member, as the course speaker.


“Rhythmic Gymnastics is a sport where judges and coaches must have an understanding of the most intricate nuances of the rules and quickly adapt to changes. We are thrilled with the high number of participants, demonstrating the desire of Kazakhstan specialists to enhance their skills for the benefit of the athletes and the overall development of this sport in the country,” Cherkashina noted.


A similar seminar will be held for Artistic Gymnastics starting on Monday, October 14.


