AESF launches second season of ‘Your Home Your Arena’ campaign


Hong Kong, China, July 24, 2024: The Asian Electronic Sports Federation has launched the second season of the ‘Your Home Your Arena’ campaign.


A community and inclusion based programme, Your Home Your Arena is aimed at uniting the esports community, providing entertainment, and promoting the importance of public support.


This year’s YHYA initiative focuses on fostering unity, equality, inclusivity, and diversity in esports, with an emphasis on increasing women’s representation within the esports community.


To this end, the AESF is hosting the second edition of the YHYA Charity Cup, an online competition designed to connect the esports community in supporting women's development, particularly in Central Asia, and extending efforts to empower women across other Asian regions.


The AESF has invited countries from the Central Asian region to compete in an e-Football (mobile) online competition on August 17-18. Iran, Kyrgyzstan. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have so far confirmed participation.