Pakistan NOC announces Olympic Day painting competition winners

Pakistan NOC announces Olympic Day painting competition winners

Lahore, Pakistan, July 17, 2024: The Pakistan Olympic Association has announced the final selections from the recent painting competition, organised in the context of Olympic Day celebrations and Paris 2024.

“We congratulate all the talented artists who have sent their paintings, which have greatly inspired us. Their creativity is a testament to the Olympic spirit, showcasing the artistic talents that reflect the ideals of the Olympics,” the POA said.

A jury selected the top three paintings in each of the three categories at Pakistan Olympic House, Lahore and was comprised of:

*Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi, Former Director, Alhamra Arts Council, Lahore

*Prof. Dr. Samina Nasim, Principal, College of Art & Design, University of Punjab

*Mr. Fabrice Disdier, Director, Alliance Française, Lahore, representative of the French Embassy in Pakistan

*Ms. Aisha Saddiqa, Chairperson, Graphic Design Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.

“We are indebted and thankful to our esteemed panel who graciously dedicated their time and expertise for the selection of paintings/artwork,” the POA added.

“We are pleased to announce that the first place in each theme shall be invited to receive awards before the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

“We look forward to continuing to celebrate and promote the beauty of art in all its forms, embodying the Olympic spirit of excellence, friendship and respect.”
