OCA Director General Husain Al-Musallam says triathlon youth camp will raise standards across Asia


Kampar, Malaysia, July 11, 2024: The Director General of the Olympic Council of Asia, Husain Al-Musallam, has called for athletes and coaches at the OCA World Triathlon/Asia Triathlon Youth Development Camp to make the most of the opportunity of rubbing shoulders with the best technical advisors in the sport this week.


“This camp is a massive step in raising the standards of athletes and coaches in Asia, and I hope everyone in Kampar will make the most of this golden opportunity and have a fruitful week,” Al-Musallam said in a message to all 73 participants, including 48 athletes and 25 coaches.


The OCA Director General also expressed his thanks to all the Asian National Olympic Committees for showing interest in the youth development camp of this Olympic sport where athletes compete in a 1.5 kilometre swim, 40km bike, and 10km run.


A total of 25 Asian NOCs were invited to send two athletes (a boy and a girl, aged between 14-17 years) and a coach each for the July 10-17 residential camp in Kampar, Malaysia.


“The unprecedented interest shown by the Asian NOCs in sending participants to this important residential camp shows the commitment towards this Olympic sport,” Al-Musallam noted.


“The OCA has taken an active role in promoting the development of young athletes, coaches and officials in a number of sports in recent years and we are grateful to the support we have received from World Triathlon and Asia Triathlon towards making this camp a huge success,” he added.


The OCA has previously held similar residential camps for young athletes, coaches and officials in sports like ice hockey and swimming.




