Asian Kickboxing Confederation prepares for 6th AIMAG with rules and regulations seminar

Asian Kickboxing Confederation prepares for 6th AIMAG with rules and regulations seminar

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, July 4, 2024: The Asian Kickboxing Confederation conducted a seminar on the rules and regulations of kickboxing, led by the Technical Delegate of the 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Thailand this November.


The seminar was held on June 30, 2024 by Euncheon Jeong, Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Asian Kickboxing Confederation and Technical Delegate of the 6th AIMAG kickboxing competition during his recent visit to Bangkok. 


Around 50 referees/judges and members of the Kickboxing Association of Thailand attended the seminar.


During this seminar, the basic rules and regulations of kickboxing at international level were discussed, as well as the updated rules, with the aim of informing and increasing the knowledge of national technical officials.


“Holding such an event, which was conducted in exclusive bases only for selected National Technical Officials, strengthens their knowledge to perform their work with more confidence during the upcoming kickboxing competition of the 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games,” said Mr. Euncheon Jeong.


The selected national technical officials will now participate in the upcoming Asian Kickboxing Championships to be held from July 6-13 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where they will have the opportunity to exercise their skills.


Source: Asian Kickboxing Confederation (WAKO Asia)