OCM, UPSI hold Olympic Day celebrations in Malaysia

OCM, UPSI hold Olympic Day celebrations in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 24, 2024: The Olympic Council of Malaysia, in collaboration with the Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), celebrated Olympic Day on Sunday, June 23 at the Sports City, Sultan Azlan Shah Campus of UPSI.


The Olympic Day theme “Let’s Move and Celebrate” and was marked by three historical milestones of the Olympic Movement in Malaysia:

1.     Launching of the OCM Athlete’s Education Fund

2.     Launching of the Special Achievement Award (Sport) Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr.) Mohamad Norza Zakaria

3.     Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between OCM AND UPSI

*The OCM Athletes’ Education Fund, initiated by OCM President Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr.) Mohamad Norza Zakaria, will be operated under the OCM Trust Fund, which is managed by a Trust Management Committee chaired by the President of OCM. The fund aims to provide financial assistance and scholarships to national athletes pursuing tertiary education at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels.


*The Special Achievement Award (Sport) Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr.) Mohamad Norza Zakaria has been created by UPSI with a personal contribution of RM 100,000 from the President of OCM. The Award will honour the best graduates of the Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching of UPSI, recognising excellence in both academics and extracurricular activities. The Award will be presented annually in conjunction of the convocation ceremony of UPSI.


*The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between OCM and UPSI is an historic event in the Olympic Movement in Malaysia. UPSI has become the first higher learning institution in Malaysia to be engaged by OCM as a strategic partner to promote the Olympic Movement in country. 


*An Olympic Day Run was organised within the Sultan Azlan Shah Campus of UPSI with 5,000 participants, including of students of UPSI, children and public from the Muallim District of the State of Perak.

*Five Olympians were present to support the Olympic Day Run: Dr. Mon Redee Sut Txi (Archery - Athens 2004), Bryan Nickson Lomas (Diving - Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012), Leung Chii Lin (Swimming - Beijing 2008), Yu Peng Kean (Fencing - London 2012) and Cheong Jun Hoong (Diving - London 2012, Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020).


