WADA urges Asia to bolster anti-doping programmes

© Uzbekistan NOC
© Uzbekistan NOC

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 26, 2024: Senior officials of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), including President Witold Banka, were in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for the 19th edition of the Asia/Oceania Region Intergovernmental Ministerial Meeting on anti-doping in sport.


During the two-day meeting, on May 22-23, WADA’s senior leadership looked towards the future of anti-doping in the Asia and Oceania region, and they encouraged the 34 countries represented to take bigger strides in bolstering their anti-doping programmes.


WADA President Witold Banka said: “WADA is grateful for the support shown and committed today by the Governments, National Anti-Doping Organisations and Regional Anti-Doping Organisations of the Asian and Oceania region participating in this year’s meeting.


“Over the past month, we have seen that there are a small number of stakeholders in other parts of the world who prefer to politicise anti-doping and turn it into a power struggle between certain factions or nations. 


"It is critical that we do not discriminate nor cede to those who want to place their organisations above others. When it comes to protecting clean sport, it is crucial that we are equitable. I will not allow WADA to become part of anyone’s political game,” Banka added.


Head of Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Odil Abdurakhmanov, Minister of Sports of Uzbekistan Adham Ikramov, Secretary General of Uzbekistan NOC Oybek Kasimov, representatives of National Anti-Doping Organisations and visiting delegates from 34 countries participated at the opening ceremony.


In his opening address, WADA President Banka thanked the Government of Uzbekistan and the Uzbekistan National Anti-Doping Organisation for hosting the meeting and commended WADA’s partners in Asia and Oceania region for their efforts in protecting clean sport.


Banka said: “Asia and Oceania are now firmly at the centre of the sporting world, playing host to some of the biggest sporting events of the past decade, including three Olympic and Paralympic Games. The region will host many more in the years to come, including the 2025 Asian Youth Games which will be held in Tashkent.”



