POA Secretary General Khalid Mahmood expresses gratitude to all participants at Integrity Workshop


Lahore, Pakistan, May 22, 2024: Muhammad Khalid Mahmood, Secretary General of the Pakistan Olympic Association, expressed his gratitude to all participants at the POA "Integrity Workshop: Fair Play and Beyond" held in Lahore on May 15-16.


POA Secretary General Mahmood said: “This workshop exemplifies the Pakistan Olympic Association’s commitment to foster a culture of integrity, transparency and respect within Pakistan’s sporting community, especially as it prepares for the upcoming Olympic Games and beyond.”


Among the lecturers at the two-day workshop was the International Olympic Committee’s Ms. Rida Ahmed, who spoke on the Prevention of Competition Manipulation, sharing her deep expertise on safeguarding the purity and fairness of sports, and the risks of manipulation and match-fixing.


The President of the Pakistan Rowing Federation, Hamdan Nazir, led a session on Athlete Safeguarding from Harassment and Abuse, discussing the importance of creating a secure and supportive environment for athletes.


The workshop was liberally peppered with dynamic and interactive panel discussions featuring all experts, and promoted a healthy exchange of topics central to integrity, fair play and athlete welfare.

