OCA constitutional reforms to highlight 43rd General Assembly

OCA constitutional reforms to highlight 43rd General Assembly

Bangkok, Thailand, May 10, 2024: One of the most important General Assemblies in the history of the Olympic Council of Asia will take place in Bangkok on Saturday, May 11.


Along with the regular agenda items of an OCA General Assembly, such as reports from OCA committees and updates from OCA games organising committees, the 43rd OCA GA will be presented with a new-look OCA Constitution.


The OCA Constitutional Reforms Committee has been working on a series of amendments for several months in consultation with Asia’s 45 National Olympic Committees and the OCA’s Advisory Committee, Rules Committee and Executive Board.


The aim of the reforms is to align the OCA Constitution with the International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Charter governing the global Olympic movement while retaining the autonomy, independence and Asian characteristics of the OCA.


The General Assembly will hear the report of the Chair of the OCA Constitutional Reforms Committee, Lt. Gen. (ret) Arif Hasan of Pakistan, before discussing the amendments and approving the new document.


The IOC President, Thomas Bach, will provide a video address, while the first part of the agenda includes the presentation of various awards to individuals and groups.


The OCA Vice Presidents of the five zones will present regional reports before the organising committees of four upcoming OCA games will provide updates on the progress of preparations.


These are the 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Bangkok and Chonburi this November; the 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin, China in February 2025; the Asian Youth Games in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in September 2025; and the 20th Asian Games in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan from September 19 to October 4, 2026.


The various OCA committees will then submit reports of their activities and proposals before the assembly focuses on the work of the OCA Constitutional Reforms Committee.