Iran NOC Secretary General Dr. Manaf Hashemi welcomes leading sepaktakraw official

© Iran NOC
© Iran NOC

Tehran, Iran, May 9, 2024: Dr. Manaf Hashemi, Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has welcomed Halim bin Kaider, Secretary General of the International Sepaktakraw Federation and President of the Asian Federation, on Wednesday, May 8.


Greeting his distinguished visitor, Dr. Hashemi said: “Your continued visits to Iran in a way express your special and supportive view of sepaktakraw and it is highly appreciated. There is growth and promotion of this discipline especially among our youth.”


Iran is set to host an international U23 men's competition in August, and the Iranian NOC Secretary General thanked Halim bin Kaider for the support from the International and Asian federations.


In his turn, Singaporean Kaider stated he had closely followed the growth of the sport in Iran and was happy that the Iranian sports authorities were working hard for the promotion of the sport in the country.