UAE NOC sports medicine officials brief international delegates on Dubai conference


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 4, 2024: Two members of the Sports Medicine Committee of the United Arab Emirates National Olympic Committee, Chairman Dr. Hashel Al-Taniji and Vice Chairman Dr. Abdullah Al-Rahoumi, participated in the 18th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia from April 25-28.


During the Congress, several topics were discussed, including the speciality of the future of sports medicine in Asia and the world, the latest technologies in the fields of diagnosis, treatment and recovery, as well as the preparations of the UAE NOC to host the International Conference of Sports Medicine in Dubai later this year.


Dr. Hashel Al-Taniji and Dr. Abdullah Al-Rahoumi both gave a detailed presentation to the heads of the International and Asian Sports Medicine Federations about the preparations and readiness to host this big international scientific and sports event to be held for the first time in the Emirates from October 24-27.


