Nepal NOC 'excited' to welcome famous singing nun

© Nepal NOC
© Nepal NOC

Kathmandu, Nepal, April 1, 2024: Nepal’s famous singing nun Ani Choying Drolma will take centre stage at the 1st Lumbini Peace Concert to mark the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace on Saturday, April 6.

Jointly organised by the Nepal Olympic Committee, the Nepal Tourism Board and the Chinese Embassy in Nepal, the Lumbini International Peace Festival will string a series of events on April 5-6, including the first ever Lumbini Peace Concert and the Lumbini International Peace Marathon.

World-renowned Buddhist nun Ani Choying Drolma will be the star performer at the Peace Concert on April 6 and the Nepal Olympic Committee was looking forward to her performance.

In a welcoming post on its Facebook page, the NOC stated: “We are so excited to have world-renowned singing nun Ani Choying Drolma. Her music is like a beam of light that cuts through the darkness and is filled with compassion and purity. You are welcome to join us in the evening for the show.”

At a press conference on Saturday, March 30, Nepal NOC President Jeevan Ram Shrestha also revealed details of the Lumbini International Peace Marathon, saying that apart from the main race there would also be 5km races for women and school children.

The event collaborators will also include the Lumbini Sports Council and the Lumbini Development Fund.

Lumbini is the birthplace of the Lord Buddha.
