AINAGOC seeks 40,000 volunteers for 2026 Asian Games

AINAGOC seeks 40,000 volunteers for 2026 Asian Games

Nagoya, Japan, March 28, 2024: The organisers of the 20th Asian Games Aichi-Nagoya 2026 have begun the campaign to recruit 40,000 volunteers.

Volunteers are required for all aspects of operations and management, not just in the competition venues and main media centre but also in towns and cities, train stations and near the stadiums.

Organising committee AINAGOC has announced that the basic volunteer operation plan has been finalised, and that the target figure is 40,000.

Recruitment will begin at the end of October 2024 and will run for three months to the end of January 2025.

Applicants must be 18 years old or over on April 1, 2026 and be available for at least 10 days of the Asian Games, which will run from September 19 to October 4, 2026. City volunteers must be available for at least five days.

Volunteers will be on duty for a maximum of eight hours per day, excluding breaks, and uniforms, jackets, t-shirts, trousers and other accessories will be provided.

Meals and transportation will be provided, but volunteers must cover the cost of accommodation themselves.

“We can flexibly respond to volunteers’ requests in order to recruit as many as possible,” AINAGOC said.
