Jordan Olympic Committee offers partial scholarship for Masters in Greece


Amman, Jordan, March 18, 2024: The Jordan Olympic Committee has called for applications and announced it will offer a partial scholarship grant for successful candidates who want to obtain a Masters in Olympic-related subjects at the University of Peloponnese in Greece.

The JOC said students can apply for a subsidy through the Jordanian Olympic Academy for a grant offered by Olympic Solidarity to cover the costs of tuition fees which totals 5,000 Euros (US$5,442) for three semesters.

The cost of accommodation at the International Olympic Academy is 3,500 Euros (US$3,809), and has to be borne by the student.

The Masters programme will be in Olympic Studies, Olympic Education and Olympic Events Organisation and Management, and will be conducted by the Department of Sports Organisation and Management of the Faculty of Human Movement and Quality of Life Sciences at the University of Peloponnese.

The JOC stated applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree and be fluent in English. They must preferably be from a national sports federation or from a college in physical education, sports sciences, journalism, economics, education or humanities.

Applications should be sent to the Jordanian Olympic Academy on, and titled IOA Masters before March 25.