AINAGOC to open medal design competition on March 25

AINAGOC to open medal design competition on March 25

Nagoya, Japan, March 14, 2024: The organisers of the next Asian Games are taking the next step on the road to Aichi-Nagoya 2026.

Organising committee AINAGOC has announced that suggestions are needed for the design of the medals – and a prize of 1 million Yen (USD 6,700) is up for grabs.

AINAGOC states that “every athlete puts in the effort daily” and, as a result, the medals should reflect the glory of their achievement.

Applications open on March 25 and close on April 24.

AINAGOC is also seeking mascot designs from the public, having established the emblem and slogan “Imagine One Asia”.

The 20th Asian Games will be held in Japan from September 19 to October 4, 2026.
