Tajikistan NOC begins development of national athletics structure

© Tajikistan NOC
© Tajikistan NOC

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, February 13, 2024: The implementation of a programme to develop the Tajikistan Athletics Sports System got underway last month.


The programme, which will continue until October 30, 2024, is jointly conducted by the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan and the IOC Olympic Solidarity scheme.


A training seminar for coaches and officials was held at the Tajikistan NOC Headquarters in order to kick-start the programme. In attendance was NOC Vice President Dilshod Nazarov, winner of the first gold medal at the Olympic Games for the country – in hammer throw at 2016 Rio – and NOC Secretary General Abdullozoda Muhammadsho.


The programme is being implemented on the instructions of the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan and NOC President Emomali Rahmon, who has always backed the development of physical education and sports in the country.


The framework of the programme aims to increase and develop the knowledge and skills of coaches, judges and officials by introducing a modern management system of athletics.

