OCA’s new Sporting Asia celebrates success of Hangzhou 2022

OCA’s new Sporting Asia celebrates success of Hangzhou 2022

Kuwait City, Kuwait, November 23, 2023: The new edition of the Olympic Council of Asia’s quarterly newsletter, Sporting Asia, celebrates the success of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.

The 48-page Hangzhou Asian Games special edition is packed with news, photos and facts and figures to place on record the outstanding success of the 19th Asiad.

The opening ceremony on September 23 and closing ceremony on October 8 are each given a two-page photo gallery, while four pages of “Action Asia” highlight the gold medal-winning performances of athletes from all corners of the continent.

Other sections include a general overview, full medal rankings, Hangzhou Highlights to accompany the half-page advertisements of the 11 Prestige Partners and a look at the colourful Team Welcome Ceremony and the OCA’s “One Asia” 110 Years Celebration held on September 24.

The new Sporting Asia also focuses on the OCA’s Asian Games Youth Reporter Project, which was part of the Asian Games for All campaign in the build-up to Hangzhou 2022.

All five young reporters, from Kuwait, Tajikistan, Palestine, Hong Kong China and Mongolia, have been given two pages each to display their work and their thoughts and feelings of a memorable two weeks in Hangzhou.

Sporting Asia Edition 63 also celebrates the Most Valuable Player award, sponsored by LoongAir, which went to Chinese swimmers Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang, who won six gold medals and five gold medals respectively.

We also report on the historic first athlete elections for the OCA Athletes’ Committee, and look ahead to the 20th Asian Games in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan in 2026.

Download: Sporting Asia 63