Chinese Taipei Olympic Academy welcomes IOA leaders for 46th Session

Chinese Taipei Olympic Academy welcomes IOA leaders for 46th Session

Taipei, November 6, 2023: The grand opening ceremony of the 46th Session of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Academy officially commenced on October 18, 2023. The theme of the 46th Session was “Innovating Physical Education and Olympic Values Education”.


To the delight of the CTOC, and to quench the participants’ thirst for globally discussed topics in the Olympic Movement, this year’s Session was graced by the presence of esteemed international speakers.


These guests included Mr. Isidoros Kouvelos, President of the International Olympic Academy, Mr. Spyridon Zannias, Vice President of the IOA, Prof. Konstantinos Georgiadis, Dean of the IOA, Prof. Dionysios Gangas, Advisor to the IOA President, Ms. Alexandra Karaiskou, Senior Manager of NOCs/NOAs Relations and Education Development at the IOA, and Mr. Mark Chay, Co-Chair of the Olympic Esports Week 2023 Organizing Committee. 


The content and discussions were both exciting and informative, providing a remarkable insight into the session.


Approximately 85 sports enthusiasts, including five international participants from Malaysia, Singapore and Palau, gathered for this year’s Session, which was a harmonious blend of theory and practical experience. 


The Session reached its emotional peak with the highly anticipated Olympic Night, offering a unique opportunity to celebrate the Olympic spirit and foster enduring friendships.


Throughout the four-day Session, participants gained a profound understanding of the core values of “Excellence, Friendship, and Respect” through in-depth lectures, experience-sharing, panel discussions and group projects. 


The unwavering determination of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee/Academy to relentlessly promote the Olympic Movement to broader communities continues with unswerving dedication and perseverance.

