OCA young reporters discover the beauty of Hangzhou

OCA young reporters discover the beauty of Hangzhou

Hangzhou, China, September 28, 2023: After a busy few days of watching sports and writing reports, the five OCA Young Reporters discovered the beauty and history of Hangzhou on Thursday. 

In an afternoon/evening tour very kindly organised by the Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (HAGOC), the five young reporters visited the iconic West Lake and the bustling Hefang Street before having dinner in a local restaurant to sample Hangzhou cuisine.

“It’s been a great and memorable day,” said Umedjon Yunusaliev, OCA Young Reporter from Tajikistan.

“To see the West Lake for the first time was truly amazing – and there was a boat waiting for us with a tour guide to tell us all about the West Lake and the various bridges, islands and pagodas.

“We were also able to sample local fruits during our cruise and take many photos and videos. I don’t think any of us will ever forget this experience.”

From the West Lake, the five young reporters, with two volunteer assistants and OCA and HAGOC staff, walked down the tree-lined boulevard to Hefang Street, which was packed with tourists.

A stop at a Turkish ice cream shop proved to be very entertaining and amusing for the young reporters and the locals alike, as the server performed a series of tricks before handing the ice cream cone to his customers.

Local people gathered round and took photos and videos of the performance, and on several occasions the young reporters were stopped and asked for photos by curious onlookers.

After checking out the shops and food stalls for souvenirs and snacks, the five young reporters from Kuwait, Tajikistan, Palestine, Hong Kong China and Mongolia were treated to a lavish dinner at a restaurant with a wonderful night view of the busy high street below.

The OCA would like to thank HAGOC for this memorable day, and particularly the coordinator Grace Gui, leader of the PR team from HAGOC’s PR contractor Hylink.

