President Sheikh Talal opens ‘new page’ in OCA history

President Sheikh Talal opens ‘new page’ in OCA history

Bangkok, Thailand, July 8, 2023: The new President of the Olympic Council of Asia, Sheikh Talal Fahad Al-Sabah of Kuwait, addressed the 42nd OCA General Assembly in Bangkok shortly after his election on Saturday.

Sheikh Talal won the election for OCA President by 24 votes to 20 against the OCA Director General, Capt. Husain Al-Musallam.

In his speech, Sheikh Talal proposed that Capt. Husain be elected an Honorary Life Vice President of OCA due to his long service and outstanding contribution to the development of the Olympic movement in Asia. The proposal was passed by acclamation.

Sheikh Talal, who is the son of the first OCA President, the late Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, and the younger brother of the second OCA President, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, said today’s page was closed and that a new page had opened.

Sheikh Talal described Capt. Husain as a close friend or son of his late father, and a close friend and brother to Sheikh Ahmad.

“We are like a family and he did a good job for our family,” Sheikh Talal said of Capt. Husain. 

Sheikh Talal asked delegates at the General Assembly not to compare him with Sheikh Ahmad “because I am sure I am going to lose”.

He added: “As I promised, I will do my best to unite Asia again, and Asia will be one family. We will continue to protect the solidarity of Asia.

“I wish all Games a success,” he concluded.

Sheikh Talal said that all staff would continue their work with OCA and that he was looking forward to seeing them all at the OCA HQ in Kuwait.

Capt. Husain, who began his journey with the Olympic sports movement in Asia in 1981 and became OCA Director General in 2005, said Asia was always united and that he would do his best to support the OCA by any means and any way possible. 

“There is no loser and no winner,” he said, while thanking the late father of Sheikh Talal for bringing him into the Olympic movement in 1981 and for putting his trust and confidence in him.

Capt. Husain also thanked Raja Randhir Singh for leading the OCA as Acting President since 2021.