Prince Faisal praises sports associations at JOC General Assembly


Amman, Jordan, April 13, 2023: The President of the Jordan Olympic Committee, HRH Prince Faisal bin Al-Hussein, has praised Jordanian sport for its achievements in the past year and also lauded sports associations for striving for development and progress at all levels.

IOC Executive Board Member Prince Faisal, who was speaking at the General Assembly of the Jordan Olympic Committee on Wednesday, April 12, acclaimed the important role sports associations played in the service of sport in the Kingdom.

JOC Vice President Dr. Sari Hamdan also commended the role played by all sections of the sporting community in the country, and underlined the importance of holding the annual General Assembly.

For his part, JOC Secretary General Nasser Al-Majali reviewed the most prominent programmes and projects undertaken by the JOC over the past 12 months, and detailed the achievements of the athletes at various levels.

The meeting was also attended by HH Princess Ayah bint Faisal, President of the Jordanian Volleyball Federation, HE Faris Suleiman al-Nabulsi, Minister of Youth and JOC Vice President, and representatives of sports federations and associations.

The financial statement for 2022 was presented at the meeting and approved by the members.
