IOC EB decisions on Afghanistan, India, DPR Korea

IOC EB decisions on Afghanistan, India, DPR Korea

Lausanne, Switzerland, December 6, 2022: During its meeting on Tuesday, December 6, the Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) received updates on the situations of the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of Afghanistan, India, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Guatemala, and took a number of decisions:

NOC of Afghanistan

The IOC EB today received a full report on the Olympic and sports Movement in Afghanistan since the Taliban regime seized power in 2021.

The EB expressed its serious concern and strongly condemned the latest restrictions imposed by the Afghan authorities on women and young girls in Afghanistan, which prevent them from practising sport in the country.

Despite the repeated commitments from the Afghan NOC and sports authorities to ensure full compliance with the Olympic Charter and the Fundamental Principle of non-discrimination, and to send mixed teams to international sports competitions, in particular the Olympic Games Paris 2024, the latest developments prompted the IOC EB to urge the relevant authorities in Afghanistan, including the Afghan NOC and the Afghan Directorate of Physical Education & Sports, to take immediate action at the highest level to reverse such restrictions and ensure safe access to sport for women and young girls in the country.

To that effect, the IOC EB today decided that:

Any support to, activities with, and continued operations of the Afghan NOC within the Olympic Movement, will be subject to the following conditions:

*Safe and inclusive access to sport for women and young girls being guaranteed in the country and restrictions preventing women and young girls from participating in sporting activities being addressed by the relevant governmental authorities.

*Afghan teams and delegations participating in international sports competitions and events including not only female athletes living abroad, but also female athletes living in Afghanistan.

*Afghan sports institutions belonging to the Olympic Movement addressing these issues at their respective levels and also being in a position to include women amongst the members of their governing bodies and at all levels of their management and administration.

In addition, the IOC EB confirmed that:

*Direct support will continue to be provided to the Afghan athletes, where possible, in particular through Olympic Solidarity’s scholarships, for their preparations for, and participation in the Olympic Games.

*The specific modalities for the participation of the Afghan NOC delegation and team in the Olympic Games Paris 2024 (including the accreditation, or not, of officials; the representation, or not, of the country during the Olympic Games, etc.) will depend on the progress made in relation to the fundamental issue of safe access to sport for women and young girls in the country.

*In this context, it is premature to consider any election within the Afghan NOC, and the status quo shall be maintained within the NOC until further notice, i.e. the IOC continues to recognise the elected office-bearers of the Afghan NOC.

The IOC EB recommends that the Olympic Council of Asia and the International Sports Federations also take appropriate decisions, along the same lines, at their respective levels and for their respective events.

The IOC EB reserves the right to modify or strengthen these conditions and/or to take any further protective measures for the Olympic Movement and the athletes in Afghanistan in accordance with the Olympic Charter. The IOC will continue to monitor the situation and compliance with these principles.

Indian Olympic Association

The EB received a report on the situation of the NOC of India, following the decision taken by the EB on 8 September 2022 to issue a final warning to the NOC. The EB took note of the significant progress made over the past few weeks to implement the agreed roadmap, including the adoption of the revised IOA Constitution aimed at improving its internal governance – in close coordination with the former judge appointed by the Supreme Court of India to monitor the whole process – and in line with the IOC EB directives and decision taken in September.

The EB will wait until the very last step of the process (i.e. the IOA elections, to take place on 10 December) is duly completed, and delegates to the IOC administration the task of confirming the IOC’s position after the IOA elections, and subsequently confirming whether the 2023 IOC Session will take place in Mumbai.


The IOC EB also received an update on the situation of the NOC of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, following its suspension until the end of 2022 due to its decision not to participate in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (IOC EB decision taken on 8 September 2021).

The suspension is now coming to an end and will be lifted automatically on 31 December 2022.
