Macau, China NOC President Charles Lo congratulates Tayyab Ikram on FIH honour

Macau, China NOC President Charles Lo congratulates Tayyab Ikram on FIH honour

Macau, China, November 7, 2022: The President of the Sports and Olympic Committee of Macau, China, Charles Lo, has written to congratulate “fellow Macau brother” Tayyab Ikram on his election as President of the International Hockey Federation.

In a letter dated November 7, Mr Lo writes: “On behalf of the Sports and Olympic Committee of Macau, China, I would like to offer you my warm congratulations on being elected as FIH President.

“Your engagement and contribution within the Asian Hockey Federation and international sport movement has been seen and recognized.”

Mr. Lo, who is Chair of the OCA Media Committee and an OCA Executive Board member, added: “With your great passion in the sport of hockey and profound experience, we are certain that the FIH is in secure hands and that the future is bright under your leadership. 

“And, with your endeavor in the Olympic movement in the past, we trust you will continue to promote unity, solidarity and, above all, inclusiveness and fair play.

“The Sports and Olympic Committee of Macau, China offer unwavering support to you, to our fellow brother of Macau.”

The FIH reported from Lausanne, Switzerland, on November 5 that Tayyab Ikram (MAC) was elected as new President of the International Hockey Federation (FIH) by the FIH Congress. 

Of the 126 votes submitted by the member National Associations, Tayyab Ikram attained the required absolute majority of more than half the votes, receiving 79 votes to the 47 given to Marc Coudron (BEL).

The duration of the term of the new FIH President will be of two years in order to complete the mandate of previous FIH President Dr Narinder Dhruv Batra, who resigned on July 18.