Jordan Olympic Committee holds workshops on sports safety and competition manipulation


Amman, Jordan, October 13, 2022: The Jordan Olympic Committee, through its Education Department, held two workshops last Saturday, October 8 on sports safety and the prevention of manipulation in competitions.

The workshops were held at the Generations for Peace theatre at the JOC headquarters and were attended by coaches and employees of national sports federations as well as a number of national athletes.

The topic of the first workshop was on sports safety and the work of the Awareness Committee of the JOC in protecting athletes of both sexes.

The second session on Preventing Competition Manipulation was presented by the Education Department of the JOC and the steps taken to be mindful of the dangers that threaten the integrity of sports.

This session also looked at the potential risks and penalties for violating the laws of the Olympic Movement, and the procedures followed in the event of any violations.
