OCA leadership send congratulatory letters to new President of Iran NOC Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa

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Tehran, Iran, September 11, 2022: The top two officials of the Olympic Council of Asia have sent congratulatory letters to Mr. Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa on his election as the President of the National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran last week.

Raja Randhir Singh, Acting President of the Olympic Council of Asia, wrote: “Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your election as President of NOC of I.R. of Iran. It is an honour which you richly deserve.

“The sporting culture in Iran has gained exceptional heights and I am confident that it will be further enhanced under your wisdom and knowledge. I am confident that the Olympic Movement will continue to flourish under your capable leadership.”

OCA Director General, Husain Al Musallam, in a separate letter congratulating Mr. Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, said: “I am sure the confidence imposed in you by the sporting fraternity in Iran will provide further impetus in developing the sporting culture in Iran.

“OCA and NOC of I.R. of Iran have shared a great relationship over the years and I am sure this will continue to flourish under your wisdom and leadership.

“Please be assured that OCA will always be at your disposal and please feel free to contact us anytime. Assuring your good self of my friendship at all times,” Mr. Al Musallam concluded.