Kyrgyzstan NOC President hands national flag to mountaineer Kubatov

Kyrgyzstan NOC President hands national flag to mountaineer Kubatov

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, September 8, 2022: The National Olympic Committee of Kyrgyzstan has presented the national flag to mountaineer Eduard Kubatov before another epic expedition.

The flag was handed to Kubatov by the NOC President, Sadyr Mamytov, ahead of a climb up Manaslu – the eighth-highest mountain in the world at 8,163 metres above sea level. It is located in the Mansiri Himal, part of the Nepalese Himalayas, in the west-central part of Nepal.

The flag handover took place on September 6 at the NOC HQ with the intention of Kubatov and his support team planting it proudly at the top of the mountain.

NOC President Mamytov said: “We wish you all success and will follow your climb with great interest. You set an example of dedication, patriotism and love for sports to others. 

“Your successful climb up Mount Everest created a big impact in our society. The number of people taking an interest in mountaineering and rock climbing has increased significantly. This is what the message of physical culture and sports should be.”

Kubatov conquered Mt. Everest in 2021. Before this, he had climbed Aconcagua in the Andes of Argentina, Mt. Elbrus in Russia, Mt. Kosciuszko in Australia and Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa.