Lebanese mother and son team up in diving dream at OCA camp

Bana Zein and her son Saeed Damaj at the Pearl Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. © OCA
Bana Zein and her son Saeed Damaj at the Pearl Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. © OCA

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 20, 2022: Lebanese mother and son Bana Zein and Saeed Damaj are putting their homeland on the diving map by attending the Olympic Council of Asia’s youth development camp in Kuala Lumpur.

While 11-year-old Saeed is here as an athlete, his mother is taking her first steps on the road to becoming a diving judge.

Saeed was already a keen swimmer, gymnast and triathlete when the family moved from Lebanon to Qatar around one year ago.

He continued with his swimming at the Aspire complex in Doha and, with his gymnastics background, impressed a few observers when he started jumping off the diving boards.

“When they saw him, they advised us to go into diving,” said Bana. “Once he started in diving the coach said he will be a good diver in the future, so we continued and we liked the sport – and I decided to learn more about it. That’s why I am interested.

“It’s a fun sport, it’s beauty. It’s nice to see them diving. I am very interested in diving. I like to watch them.”

Saeed started diving only five months ago and has already won a diving competition in Qatar. His mother takes him to training every day and, through this, she has developed a love for the sport, too; which brings her to Kuala Lumpur for the judging section of the camp.

“I am learning so much,” she added. “Especially that I am a beginner, there is a lot to know. There is a lot of information in one and half days; it is very interesting and I will seek for more. To be a judge you need a lot of experience.”

As Bana makes inquiries about attending a FINA Certification School, the family has already put Lebanon on the diving map at this OCA camp representing their home country.

“There is no diving in Lebanon,” Bana said. “He (Saeed) is the first one in Lebanon. I talked to the Lebanese Swimming Federation and they told me they will put his name down - he is the first one to dive in Lebanon. If I get to be a judge, I will be the first one, too.”

Saeed has been a keen sportsman since he was six years old and comes across as a smart and polite young man – and Bana thinks this is a lot to do with his sporty background.

“I think that’s because of sports,” she said. “Since he was a little boy, he was in sports. He went into so many competitions and that gave him confidence and being a tough boy. Losing makes the person learn.”

So, as a mother and an aspiring diving judge, how does Bana judge Saeed as a son?

“It is difficult for me to judge him,” she laughs. “I know his bad points and I know his good points. It’s difficult.”