HRH Prince Feisal re-elected President of Jordan Olympic Committee


Amman, Jordan, July 6, 2022: The General Assembly of the Jordan Olympic Committee has re-elected HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein to serve another four-year term as President.

Elections were held on Tuesday, July 5, at Yahala Hall in Al Hussein Youth City, where the General Assembly elected HRH Prince Feisal, who is also a member of the IOC Executive Board, to continue in a role that he first took up in 2003.

Under the Presidency of HRH Prince Feisal, the Jordan Olympic Committee has made enormous strides to transform the sports sector in Jordan both on and off the playing fields and sports halls.

His Excellency the Minister of Youth, Mohammed Al Nabulsi, HE Ahmed Al Hanandeh, Her Excellency Suhair Al Ali and HE Dr. Sari Hamdan also joined the board of directors through the Distinguished Members category. Nadine Dawani and Mohamed Abu Libdeh will represent athletes in the Players Category.

Dr. Hamdan and Dr. Khaled Attiat were elected as Vice Presidents of JOC while Nasser Al-Majali will continue as Secretary General.

Ten members representing the Federations were elected including HRH Princess Alya Bint Al Hussein (Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation), HRH Princess Ayah Bint Al Feisal (Jordan Volleyball Federation), Dr. Khalid Atyat (Jordan Fencing Federation), Nidal Al Qayrouti (Jordan Swimming Federation), Nizar Madi (Royal Jordanian Shooting Federation), Lu’ai Omeish (Jordan Football Association), Tariq Al Zu’bi (Jordan Table Tennis Federation), Omar Bani Hani (Jordan Badminton Federation), Abdullah Qteishat (Jordan Wrestling Federation), and Saleh Al Ghwiri (Jordan Gymnastics Federation).

Zaid Sa’aydeh from the Royal Chess Federation and Mazin Quttob from the Jordan Karate Federation were added to the board through the ‘sport recognised by IOC’ category.
