Olympians of Tajikistan hold inaugural meeting at NOC HQ

© Tajikistan NOC
© Tajikistan NOC

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, July 5, 2022: As part of International Olympic Day celebrations, the first meeting of the Olympians of Tajikistan was held at the National Olympic Committee HQ last week.

The Secretary General of Tajikistan NOC, Abdullozoda Muhammadsho, and 11 Olympic athletes took part in the inaugural meeting.

As a body, the Association of Olympians of Tajikistan had previously operated under the auspices of the Tajikistan NOC. But, on the recommendation of the World Association of Olympians, it was decided to establish a separate organisation of Olympians.

At the meeting, participants discussed and approved the charter of the organisation as well as a logo. Mavzuna Choriyeva and Farhod Nematov, two athletes who had represented Tajikistan at the London 2012 Olympics, were elected president and general secretary, respectively, of the Olympians of Tajikistan.

According to the charter, the main role of the Olympians of Tajikistan is to unite Tajik athletes who have competed at the Olympic Games, represent them, meet their needs and promote Olympism.

Certificates from the International Olympic Committee and the Tajikistan NOC were presented to each Olympian.
