Afghanistan IOC member Samira Asghari meets taekwondo leaders in Korea

© Samira Asghari Facebook.
© Samira Asghari Facebook.

Chuncheon, Korea, July 4, 2022: Afghanistan’s IOC member Samira Asghari has described it as a “great and unique honour” to be a member of the Asian and global taekwondo community.

Samira attended the 25th Asian Taekwondo Championships in Chuncheon, Korea recently and had discussions with both the President of World Taekwondo, Dr. Chungwon Choue, and the President of the Asian Taekwondo Union, Prof. Kyu Seok Lee.

“Martial arts are literally pure art, and taekwondo won my heart during the 25th Asian Taekwondo/Poomsae Championships in Korea,” Samira said in a Facebook post on July 3.

“The opening ceremony was really spectacular. Most of the countries in the world have at least one Olympic medal in taekwondo,” she added.

Samira was appointed a council member of World Taekwondo in 2021 for a two-year term to 2023 and is also an ex-officio member of the ATU.

“It is a great and unique honour to be part of the world taekwondo family. It was a pleasure to meet and discuss with Mr. Choue Chungwon, President of World Taekwondo, my new colleagues and Prof. Mr. Lee, President of Asian Taekwondo, the growth of taekwondo in Afghanistan and the world.

“Prof. Lee is now 81 and is the holder of the 9th Dan black belt. He was once the taekwondo coach of world movie star Bruce Lee.

“The World Taekwondo message to the world is commendable; they value peace more than victory and are always diligent in spreading this message through spectacular taekwondo performances. Hoping for the pride and more success of Afghan athletes.”
