Hangzhou 2022 attracts 220,000 volunteer applications

The official recruitment of volunteers for the 19th Asian Games began in Hangzhou on May 22, 2021. © hangzhou2022.cn
The official recruitment of volunteers for the 19th Asian Games began in Hangzhou on May 22, 2021. © hangzhou2022.cn

Hangzhou, China, November 5, 2021: The recruitment drive for volunteers for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 drew to a close on October 31 and attracted over 220,000 applications, organising committee HAGOC reports.

According to HAGOC, college students accounted for 67 percent of the total applicants. The number of applicants who are fluent in speaking minority languages also reached over 15,000.

From November 2021 to April 2022, the volunteers will be selected via online tests, onsite or remote interviews, psychological tests and English proficiency tests.

Once chosen, the volunteers will be deployed to perform 13 kinds of services to ensure the smooth running of the Games and its sideline activities. The volunteers will mainly be responsible for tasks related to welcoming and seeing-off guests, language support, concierge, personnel registration, transportation, accommodation, logistical support, media operations and spectator services.

A total of 52,000 volunteers will be deployed to the main venue of Hangzhou as well as the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua that will be involved in the Games, which will run from September 10-25, 2022.