Yemen NOC joins forces with local taekwondo federation for training course

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© yemnoc

Sana’a, Yemen, September 30, 2021: A three-day taekwondo course for advanced trainers came to an end on Wednesday, September 29 at the Olympic Hall.

The course was organised by the Yemen Taekwondo Federation in cooperation with Yemen Olympic Committee and attracted 20 participants from various governorates.

The course covered all aspects of coaching skills required by a trainer, from teaching the young players the basics of taekwondo through to the experienced athletes, their physical training, sports science and techniques.

The closing ceremony was attended by dignitaries from the government’s sports ministry as well as from the local taekwondo federation and the NOC.

The Secretary General of Yemen Olympic Committee, Mr Mohamed Abdullah Al-Ahjri, said the Olympic movement was trying to support all national sports associations in organising training courses to enhance the qualifications of coaches and thereby leading to improved performances by the athletes in international competition and direct qualification for the Olympic Games.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of participation certificates for all trainers.
