Bhutanese archers leave Japan and return home with tears in their eyes

© SEISA Group
© SEISA Group

Thimphu, Bhutan, March 16, 2021: Bhutanese archers Nidup Dorji and Sonam Choden will return home from Japan armed with high school certificates in their quivers and a mission to spread the sport back home in their hearts.

Dorji and Choden, both senior students from Bhutan, have lived in Japan for more than three years as part of a scholarship programme from the SEISA Group - a Japanese company which accepts athletes from developing countries and provides them with financial assistance for tuition and living expenses.

They also learn a sport - and, in the case of the Bhutanese duo, they joined the SEISA Kokusai High School Shonan Archery Club where for the past three years they have been aiming high.

“When they first came to Shonan three years and two months ago they did not know archery or the language and could not even do a single push-up, but they have worked hard day in and day out and have grown up to be able to compete with the Bhutanese national team,” SEISA Group said in its farewell statement last Sunday, March 14. 

The pair have taken part in virtual competition with the Bhutanese national team and have held their own. They have also been to a training camp of the Japanese national archery team in Korea and attended the National Training Centre in Japan.

At a farewell party held last weekend, Dorji and Choden had tears in their eyes as they said their goodbyes to teachers, classmates and friends who had helped them throughout their high school life.

“We hope the two students who have graduated will use what they learned in Japan to shine in Bhutan as well. Good luck, Nidup and Sonam! You are always forever connected to SEISA,” the statement ended.
