IOC announces USD 280 million savings for Tokyo 2020

Tokyo 2020 Look of the Games. © Getty Images
Tokyo 2020 Look of the Games. © Getty Images

Lausanne, Switzerland, October 7, 2020: The IOC Executive Board and Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee discussed an estimated USD 280 million (JPY 30 billion) in savings that will be achieved to deliver an Olympic Games fit for a post-corona world next summer.

This tentative figure was revealed at the IOC EB meeting held remotely on Wednesday, October 7. It is based on over 50 measures that were agreed by the IOC and Tokyo 2020 at last month’s Coordination Commission meeting.

IOC President Thomas Bach said: “We got another very encouraging, precise and excellent report from the Tokyo Organising Committee. There is really great progress being made to make these Olympic Games fit for the post-corona world. 

“Savings of about USD 280 million will be achieved in the operational budget by applying 50 plus measures.”

Some of the key measures being implemented include: 

*the review of specifications for temporary overlay and other equipment at venues

*the reduction of service levels and the Look of the Games in venues and in the Olympic and Paralympic Village

*the optimisation of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay operations

*encouraging stakeholders to optimise their delegation working in Tokyo

*staffing plans for the Organising Committee.

The results of these efforts will now allow Tokyo 2020 to estimate the total additional costs associated with the postponement, including the approximate costs for COVID-19 countermeasures. The Organising Committee will work through these topics in detail and present its updated budget by the end of this year.

President Bach added: "We also see that the work on COVID countermeasures is making good progress, and that more and more measures are being added, including the potential availability of vaccines and rapid testing – where we are very confident that they will be available."

The IOC EB also agreed on an addendum to the Host City Contract, which has now been approved by all the relevant parties.
