Deputy Prime Minister inspects Cambodia’s preparations for 2023 SEA Games

Deputy Prime Minister inspects Cambodia’s preparations for 2023 SEA Games

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 6, 2020: The Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh, visited the site of the new national stadium being built for the 32nd Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in 2023.

The Deputy Prime Minister, who is also Minister of National Defence and President of the Cambodia SEA Games organising committee (CAMSOC), was accompanied by HE Wang Wentian, Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia.

Together they inspected the construction site of the Morodok Techo National Stadium located in Khan Chroy Changvar on the outskirts of the capital Phnom Penh on the morning of Monday, October 5.

After the visit, HE Vath Chamroeun, Secretary General of CAMSOC and of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia, said that Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh highly appreciated the infrastructure of the main venue for the 32nd SEA Games 2023. 

There were two main focuses during the visit. The first was the new national stadium, which is being built by a Chinese construction company and will be completed by May 2021; it is due to host the 4th National Games in 2022.

The second point of focus was the construction of a sports village that can accommodate more than 7,000 athletes. It will be used for the 32nd SEA Games as well as the 12th ASEAN Para Games 2023.

During the visit, the Deputy Prime Minister urged the constructors to follow the timeline and comply with the construction and technical standards of all sports in the Morodok Techo National Stadium.

CAMSOC is making plans for the Deputy Prime Minister to visit other provinces such as Kep, Kampot and Sihanoukville to see the preparations for water sports.
